administration of workshops
<Course for the Academic Development of Psychiatrists(CADP)>
The Course for the Academic Development of Psychiatrists (CADP) is a three days training course, which many young psychiatrists attend from all over Japan. From the 7 th CADP, we started the fellowship program so that the young psychiatrists from overseas can attend also. The language used in this course is English only. All the participants have to make a presentation either by oral or poster, and some will act as a chair. Not only do we obtain the knowledge of psychiatry but also, we learn the communication skill in the international symposium. We invite Norman Sartorius, and other lectors who are the most active in their field. The bond which we made at the course is continuing through mailing lists and by face to face.
The 1st CADP Feb.20th – 23rd, 2002
The 2nd CADP Apr.19th – 21st, 2003
The 3rd CADP Mar.12th – 14th, 2004
The 4th CADP Feb.25th – 27th, 2005
The 5th CADP Feb. 3rd – 5th, 2006
The 6th CADP Feb.16th – 18th, 2007
The 7th CADP Feb.15th – 17th, 2008
The 8th CADP Feb.20th – 22nd, 2009
The 9th CADP Feb.19th – 21th, 2010
The 10th CADP Feb.18th – 20th, 2011
The 11th CADP Feb.17th – 19th, 2012
The 12th CADP Feb.15th – 17th, 2013
The 13th CADP Feb.14th – 16th, 2014
The 14th CADP Mar. 1st – 3rd, 2015
The 15rd CADP Feb.19th – 21th, 2016
The 16th CADP Feb.17th – 19th, 2017
The 17th CADP Feb.22th – 24th, 2018
The 18th CADP Feb.14th – 16th, 2019
The 19th CADP Feb.14th – 16th, 2020
The 1st JOIN Feb.12th – 13th, 2021
The 2nd JOIN Feb.24th – 25th, 2022
The 20th CADP Mar.10th – 12th, 2023
The 21st CADP Mar. 8th – 10th, 2024
<the JYPO Online International Networking Meeting (JOIN Meeting)>
Japan Young Psychiatrists Organization (JYPO) has kept organizing the annual event ” Course for Academic Development of Psychiatrists (CADP)” mainly in every winter since 2002. It is one of the most significant events for us and got high reputations from most of the participants. However, we have finally decided not to have the in-person meeting on 2021 winter under this crucial pandemic.
Instead of CADP, we held a new international event using the internet. It is named “the JYPO Online International Networking Meeting (JOIN Meeting)”. The aims of this event are the improvement of academic skills and networking. We had the program with several sessions such as lectures, workshop, and oral presentations. Prof. Norman Sartorius (the former president of the World Psychiatric Association) and Prof. Shigenobu Kanba (the president of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology) gave us lectures. The theme of the 1st JOIN Meeting workshop was “online communication”.
The 1st JOIN Meeting Feb.12th – 13th, 2021
<Course for PANNS / The translation of SCI-PANSS>
It is demanded to diagnose and examine appropriately for the internationally reliable research. Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) is an evaluation scale mainly used for Schizophrenia, internationally. In Japan, until 2008, the old PANSS was used. To introduce the new PANSS which is SCI/IQ-PANSS, we invited Dr.P.Ramirez who was actually involved in making it. We held a training course and the core member such as Katsunobu Takahashi and Daisuke Fujisawa translated it. From 2008, it is used officially in Japan.
The training course of PANSS
The 1st Mar.12th – 12th, 2005
The 2nd Oct.28th – 29th, 2006
The 3rd Jan.13th – 14th, 2008
The evaluation course of PANSS
The 1st Apr.3rd, 2005
The 2nd Jun.5th, 2005
<Clinical / Epidemiological statistics workshop>
As the importance of Evidence Based Practice is recognized more and more, one of the board member and also the founder member, Soichiro Sato and the others started Medical Statistics Workshop in 2005, and it is held annually ever since. From 2009, the name of this workshop changed to the Clinical / Epidemiological Statistics Workshop The core member, Mitsuhiro Sado, and the others design very interesting theme every year. For example, how to examining the paper critically, how to set up a protocol of the research, and so forth.
The 1st Apr.24th, 2005
The 2nd Feb.26th, 2006
The 3rd Apr.22nd, 2007
The 4th Feb.10th, 2008
The 5th Mar.8th, 2009
The 12th Feb.28th, 2016
The 13th Sep.25th, 2016
The 14th Nov.11th, 2017
The 15th Dec. 9th, 2018
The 16th Sep.21th, 2020
international collaboration
<From 2002(when the JYPO was founded) to 2004>
In the World Psychiatrist Organization annual meeting in Yokohama (2002), we organized many programs for the young psychiatrists and made connection with young psychiatrists all over the world. As activities of JYPO, we organized a symposium, we made a hand outs for the young psychiatrists, supported young psychiatrists by translating, and so forth. We proposed the young psychiatrists from other countries whom we met at the WPA congress, to make their own organization in their country. As a result, we made a strong connection between Korea psychiatrists and also Taiwan young psychiatrists. We have collaborated in many international congress. For example, in 2004, in the International Congress of Biological Psychiatry Cairns Pre-Meeting, we organize a symposium with Korean young psychiatrists. In World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry 2004, we organized a symposium and mini lecture for the young psychiatrists. In 2004, World Association of Social Psychiatry was held in Kobe, Japan, and we organized a symposium and a social party with Taiwan young psychiatrists. We also took part as a chair and the translator in the evening session “Meet the Expert” .
<After 2005>
We participated in WPA congress in Cairo 2005, Istanbul 2006, Soul 2007, and took part in the symposium which focused on the post graduating training system or on the international collaboration between young psychiatrists’ organization in the Asian region. We reported the result of the research which we have committed over the members.
As domestic activities, we organized a young psychiatrist’s symposium in JSPN every year, and discussed about the current status and the problems that the young psychiatrists are facing. We have presented or held a workshop in the regional JSPN meeting, such as in Hokkaido or Kanagawa, about the post graduate training system.
In 2005, in the Korean Psychiatrists Association Annual meeting, and in 2006 in the Pacific Rim Colleague Psychiatrists Annual meeting, members of JYPO attended and made a presentation.
Many members have joined the Japanese-Korean Young Psychiatrists Training Course from the 7th course. This course was started by Dr.Nishizono from Japan and Dr,Min from Korea from the year 2000, and has been held annually.
<For the development>
From May 2008, we have renewed as a NPO-JYPO, for more training and collaboration among young psychiatrists so that we can contribute more to the society. We have welcomed Dr.Norman Sartorius and Dr. Kogen Sato as our supervisor. In the JSPN annual meeting held in May 2008, which is the month we have started newly, we organized a Japanese symposium and also an international symposium. This International symposium was organized together with the International Committee of JSPN. JSPN has started the young psychiatrists’ fellowship program from this year, and with the awardees invited from overseas, we held an international symposium. In the WPA Prague held in September 2008, Toshiaki Baba participated as a board member of JYPO and made a presentation in the young psychiatrist’s symposium.
In 2008, we organized The Fellowship Program for Academic Development of Psychiatrists as a pre Pacific Rim Colleague of Psychiatrists Annual Meeting, held in Tokyo. 42 participants (3/4 from the overseas) gathered and discussed about the psychiatry medicine and voluntary administration or forced administration. In the Annual Meeting, we organized two symposiums and collaborated with the PRCP committee to hold the Community Mental Health Workshop.
We are continuing our activities domestic and internationally, through research, and organizing symposium, to contribute to making the network of young psychiatrists.